Box 32
Contains 58 Results:
The Australian Women's Weekly , 1979-12-26
The Beatle who didn't make it [Pete Best], by Christine Chidiac (clipping)
Flare , 2002-04
The music men [Paul McCartney, Heather Mills], by Bryan Adams
Billboard , 1980-01-26
Pop summit: Peter Townshend joins Paul McCartney during the last of a series of benefit concerts in London to help Cambodian refugee children [photograph]: p. 44 (clipping)
Billboard , 1981-01
His gift [John Lennon]: more than music, by George Martin (clipping)
Telegraph Magazine , 2011-09-17
The black and white album: George Harrison's own collection of photographs from the early days of the Beatles is published, by Mick Brown: p. 44; cover
Telegraph Magazine , 2014-01-25
Here, there and everywhere [Paul McCartney on tour in Japan], by Craig McLean: p. 16; cover
Fabulous , 1964-11-29
[Beatles news, with photograph of Beatles with Ed Sullivan
Undated clipping
John [Lennon] and Paul [McCartney] in pain: p. 25; George's [George Harrison] wife [Pattie Boyd] tells all!! (& so does Ringo's [Ringo Starr, Maureen Starkey]): p. 27
Teen Scoop , 1967-05
The story behind the Beatles' split: p. 38
Undated clipping
[Paul] McCartney awed by his own talent: 'it's a kind of magic': p. 48
Copy 2
Paul and Linda [McCartney] reveal how we've made our marriage work, by John Kercher: p. 20
USA Weekend , 1986-03-28 - 1986-03-30
Paul [McCartney] goes on record: p. 1
USA Weekend , 1998-10-30 - 1998-11-01
Tears & laughter: this week, singing backup on a new CD, Paul McCartney lends voice to his late wife's songs [Linda McCartney], interview by Chrissie Hynde: p. 4; cover
Washington Post , 1967-12-09
Holiday booking [photo of John Lennon; opening of How I won the war]
Number 3926, 1980-06-04 - 1980-06-10
Dreams that made [Paul] McCartney millions: the world's most successful songwriter reveals his secret, by Fred Robbins: p. 10
Number 4164, 1985-01-09 - 1985-01-15
Linda McCartney: her love for horses, by Linda Burgess: p. 20; cover
Woman , 1984-11-10
"When John [Lennon] died I [Yoko Ono] thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen--but that was just the beginning", by David and Victoria Sheff: p. 10
Woman's Own , 1981-06-13
Will Ringo [Starr] now live happily ever after? [Ringo marries Barbara Bach]: p. 8; cover
[Fold-out 1983 calendar with illustration of Paul McCartney; Julio Iglesias on the other side]
Undated clippings
Cheer down: George Harrison's post-Apple career has been marked by disappointments and huge commercial success, by Peter Doggett: p. 80; Chinese whispers: John Lennon's onetime girlfriend, May Pang, talks to Spencer Leigh: p. 77; How honoured am I? [Paul McCartney]: p. 82; Ringo [Starr] rocks: p. 84 (article is incomplete); The other side of Paul McCartney, by Patrick Humphreys: p. 28